Kingdom Vision Reports |
Media reports from this last week of dangerous trends in the church prophetic movement, Israel, the world economy and nations. Read and catch the trends.
This is a book by Balaji Srinivasan Here in South Africa we are forced to create our own schools, electricity, security, social welfare, private economic system because of a dysfunctional government. Why not create our own parallel Network State? I review a great book on how.
Our Promised Land is the world. Over the next 50 years the wicked will be depleted enough so that the meek can inherit the earth. Here is the strategic plan of God now working towards this end.
That is the promise and command of the Lord in Deut.15:4. And yet in Deut. 15:11 we are faced with the challenge...."For the poor shall ever cease out of the land". Some thoughts about the poverty challenge scripture presents us with.
As the crisis deepens in Israel, Iran and Palestinians, once again the prophetic media is filled with expositions on Gog, Magog and End Times war. But Ezekiel 38-39 has already happened and a disaster is developing in the Middle East.
The Russian State and the Russian Orthodox Church have a unique Christian eschatology. They have renewed an ancient partnership as he Third Rome to fight the rise of Antichrist. An interesting eschatology the evangelical church of the West is largely unaware of. Here is my analysis of their “end times” vision.
There are increasing signs from the Islamic world of a thriving and growing underground church. There are reasons why Islamic civilization is struggling and people are searching for alternatives.
Contrary to “Apocalypse Now” theology I want to give you encouraging information of the underlying signs of the times. God’s Kingdom agenda is moving forward. There is major shift in world power dynamics. Nations want to trade, not fight.
Why is Satan “the prince of the power of the “air” and what does that tell us about occult power and meeting the Lord in the “air”. Modern string theory in physics has some interesting clues.
The latest in the UFO disclosure saga: Harvard academics recently released an academic study on who could be inside the UFO’s and where could they be coming from. Likely scenario? From inside the earth and the moon. Here is a prophetic perspective on the emerging deception.